Global Warming Solutions

Act Now to Save the Planet

As we become greater consumers of electronics, we are left with a pressing issue of what to do with all our old or outdated TVs, laptops, cell phones, smartphones, or MP3 players. Even worse, most communities have no other recourse than to throw out old electronics which means they either end up in landfills or shipped abroad to litter and pollute other countries.
The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong, but the question of what to do about it remains controversial. Economics, sociology, and politics are all important factors in planning for the future.

Natural Resources Defense Counsel
Here's how it works: Electric power generators buy emissions allowances at quarterly regional auctions. The proceeds are then invested in energy efficiency programs and clean energy solutions. Three auctions have been held already. Bidders snapped up all available allowances, generating more than $247 million in revenue for energy efficiency and other clean energy investments in participating states – while continuing to keep the lights on throughout the region.

News on Global Warming
New Report Finds a Price on Carbon Will Reduce Energy Bills, Create Jobs in All Fifty States

Third Way’s newest, “Putting a Price on Success: The Case for Pricing Carbon” assess the impact of a carbon price on the United States economy. After reviewing more than two dozen academic, private sector, financial, and government studies on carbon pricing policies, the report contends that all 50 states will experience job growth. The report also finds wide agreement that a carbon price would save consumers billions of dollars in reduced energy bills, serve as a catalyst for capital investment in the United States economy and reduce the flow of U.S. dollars overseas to purchase foreign oil.

This Report reviews more than two dozen studies on carbon pricing to determine the impact of a carbon price on the American economy.